Tuesday, August 19, 2014

A must read, a must see...and exciting news!

I came across an article on Facebook and it is just too good not to share here.  After all, this blog is about Living Out God's Design, and, if you are married, God has designed you to be a help-meet for your husband. (Gen. 2:18)

This article, written by Kimberly Wagner, is very simple and straightforward...but so transparent and honest.  I know I have been guilty of some of these and have been thankful for godly women who have graciously admonished me and also been consistent examples of how to love your husband biblically.  I think these 10 things are great reminders for us all.  

I highly recommend taking the time to really read each one and then stop and ask the Lord to show you if you are sinning against your husband in each area.  We all want godly, healthy and exciting marriages. We all want men who lead our families faithfully in the Word and in deed.  Isn't it worth it to take some time to search our hearts before the Lord and ask Him to reveal any actions or attitudes in us that are hindering our husbands in fulfilling their biblical design?

Here is the link to the article:10 Things Your Husband Hates

I also recommend that you watch this video about Kimberly and her husband. It is a beautiful story of how God did a work in her heart that led to the restoration of their marriage.  I love their willingness to put pride aside in order that others may find encouragement and hope in Him.  Share this with others. So many marriages are in shambles because we aren't living out in obedience what God has called us to as women.  I know, it takes two...and the men obviously have a HUGE responsibility to love their wives as Christ loved the church.  But, as Kimberly said in her article, "I'm not talking to him, I'm talking to you!" : )

You can find the video here : Marriage Miracle

I pray it will be a blessing to you and that you will share it with others.

And, for fun...here is a link to my daughter's recent engagement video!!

               All glory be to God!
Have you ever seen such bliss?  Praying my daughter will live out God's design for her and that He will use their marriage as a testimony of His grace, mercy and love and a picture of Christ and the church! 

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